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coming out of the cupboard

Something gay midgets do

So called because most gay folks come out of closets, but the small stature of little people necessitates they come out of someplace smaller

Did you hear about little Jimmy? Suzie told me he was coming out of the cupboard

by mr.snruB November 22, 2010

51👍 125👎

consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

What you say when people ask you what you're into

Interviewer: So, William, we'll be interviewing many people for this position. Let's start off light...what are your hobbies and interests?

Slick Willy: I enjoy consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

by mr.snruB October 7, 2010

203👍 53👎

All Aboard The Pain Train

What is heard by one about to sustain a serious beating...said by the conductor of the ass whooping

That twink just cut me off! ALL ABOARD THE PAIN TRAIN

by mr.snruB September 7, 2010

14👍 4👎

Car cock blocked

When you're trying to speed on the highway and some asshole blocks your lane driving at or under the speed limit when they don't have to. Especially frustrating when the road is completely traffic free except for the guy ahead of you

Driver: Fuck!

Passenger: What?

Driver: I'm trying to get to class on time but this mook just cut me off going way too slow

Passenger: You just got car cock blocked

Driver: Feels bad man

by mr.snruB November 12, 2010

5👍 2👎

Chief Leaky Colon

What you call your bud when he drops a french grenade and the fart is so bad it smells like he shit his pants.

Friend #1: What smells like Asschwitz in here?

Friend #2: It's me, your buddy Chief Leaky Colon

by mr.snruB November 12, 2010

4👍 1👎