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An insult that means someone's a giant yellow bellied chicken. Named after the bird from Final Fantasy which is basically a giant yellow chicken,

Scenario 1
3 mates about to see a horror movie
cowardly friend: Guys I changed my mind. I don't wanna see this movie, it looks too scary!
Friend 1: Ah come on man, don't be chicken.
Cowardly friend:I'm not! The man on the poster looks scary! I'm not seeing this!
Friend 2:Mate you're such a chocobo!
Friend 1: Chocobo! Choboco! Is the big chocobo scared of a horror movie?
Cowardly friend: Screw you guys!

Scenario 2
Marty bumps into Biff at a diner
Biff:Hey watch where you're going butthead! Now I'm gonna pound you!
Marty:No thanks Biff I was just leaving.
Biff: What's McFly? You Chocobo?
Marty's face goes bright red and swells up with rage

by mrperson123 November 2, 2017

Default Bestie

When your bestie is only really your bestie due to lack of other friends. So they're only your bestie by default. They tend to drive you nuts and make you often question why you're even friends with them. Is often an old school friend or childhood friend and you're only really still friends with them due to knowing them so long as well as not having many friends. They tend not be a great friend or even a good friend really. Chances are if you met a better friend you'd drop your default bestie like a sack of shit.

Tom"UghI fucking hate Matt! He drives me mad!"

Mum" isn't he your best friend?"

Tom"Honestly he's a default bestie. Only reason I'm still friends with him is because I've got no one else"

by mrperson123 October 10, 2017


The original dating website.
Match, like all online dating is a pile of shit, but unlike Tinder and OK Cupid, there's a hefty membership fee . The people on there suck! The women are average looking with ridiculously high standards, wanting a perfect man. The men are desperate weirdos, or sugar daddies looking for hot young women. Their algorithm sucks, your "daily matches" are all selected completely randomly, you'll be lucky if it sends you someone the same age, or city as you, as well as sending you profiles that have already rejected you. Speaking of which, when someone rejects you on match you get a brutal automated rejection.
The other thing is match is hella shady. They have a TON of fake and inactive profiles they keep to boost their numbers, as well as not telling you what profiles are free members meaning they don't have access to messages. Chances are the majority of people you're messaging can't reply or even read your messages. They also have an "auto renewal system" meaning if you don't cancel your membership before it's due to renew you automatically get charged for another 6 months, which match will refuse to refund. Thing is it takes 2 days to cancel the auto renewal. Many a poor bastard has been suckered into paying another 6 months for this shit trap. When you do cancel your membership, you'll instantly get an email saying you've got new messages, another trap. If you do renew it the messages are either be from bots or will magically disappear.

Bill: Ugh I'm so sick of how crappy tinder is! Man why is dating so hard?
Chrissy: It's because you're using tinder, you should use match.com . It's a paid service so there's a higher calibre of people.

Bill: Hmm maybe you're right, guess I'll give match a try.

*several weeks later*

Bill: Oh my god match fucking sucks! This shit is worse than tinder!

by mrperson123 April 30, 2019


Someone who's a moronic tosser. Known to perform cowardly actions like dodging a beetroot.

Flippy is such a tosser! That cowardly moron dodged my beetroot instead of taking it like a man!

by mrperson123 March 31, 2017

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J Swipe

Jewish Tinder, filled with JAPs and Becks. But unlike Tinder there's unlimited likes and unlike J Date it's free!

Ben: Man I'm sick of getting no matches on Tinder, and my parents keep whining at me to find a Jewish girl, fml.
Sam: Try J Swipe, I've had a bunch of dates from it. But watch out for becks!

by mrperson123 July 25, 2017

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I don't even, I can't even

When someones met with such a high level of stupidity and bullshit they just don't know how to respond.

Weirdo With a Tinfoil hat"Schools are brainwashing us! We come from the moon! We are moon babies who eat moon cheese!"

Person"I don't even, i can't even..."

by mrperson123 August 4, 2017

Friendly Acquaintance

Someone who you'll act matey with when you're around each other, but you aren't actually friends. Neither of you will actually instigate hanging out nor contact each other. Tends to be someone who you see through a mutual friend, in school, at work, through a group etc.

Tim :Ugh I've got no plans this weekend, all my mates are busy

Sal:Why don't you see Jerry, you guys always have a ball when you hangout!
Tim:Nah mate he's only a Friendly Acquaintance, we're not actually friends sadly.

Sal: Ah fairs.

by mrperson123 January 10, 2019

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