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Gorillaz is a SUPERGROUP, not just another random band. That means it is made up of distinguished artists and musicians that all have great careers and excellent reputations. The group is made up of artists from very different backgounds. Russell is Oakland rapper Del Tha Funkee homosapien who really is a tad geeky, but kicks major ass as an emcee. 2-D and Murdoc are both members of Blur. Last but not least Noodles is played by the lead singer of Cibbo Matto. The first album was produced by Dan the Automator who also produced Deltron 3030. Listen to "Time Keeps On Slipping" by deltron, you might notice a very similar style to the Gorillaz, right down to Damon Alabrns crooning and harmonica.

Lately the Gorillaz have made a combeack with the single "Feel Good Inc.". Their new album will be produced by Danger Mouse (of grey album fame) and rumor has it that del isn't on it, seeing how De La Soul has been doing the rapping on Feel Good Inc.

The animation is a gimmick, but the music is great no matter what. Groundbreaking stuff.

by mrpopenfresh April 18, 2005

424πŸ‘ 143πŸ‘Ž


Quite possibly the single most funniest synonim for female genitalia. usually dosen't get picked up by those pesky curse word blockers you find on the net. Also just damm funny to say.

HA! Thats a nice quim you got there!

by mrpopenfresh February 27, 2005

724πŸ‘ 497πŸ‘Ž


A company that makes motorised vehicles AND music instruments. Probably some other non related things as well.

Why you would want to buy a trombone from a company that makes dirtbikes is beyond me.

by mrpopenfresh May 3, 2005

78πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Mos Def

Mos Def is many things. In everyday lingo, Mos def is an abbreviation that can mean "Most definitely"(1) wich originated from the ghetto but like every other gansta term has evolved inti something widely used by young and filthy rcih white kids.

Mos Def in the music and film industry is the pseudonym of Dante Smith(2). Quasi legendary emcee who's soulfoul approach to hip hop and unique style has made him one of hip hops heavy hitters. He and Talib Kweli are known to collaborate alot, even making Black Star. Mos Def is also a pretty good actor who appeared in the remake of "The Italian Job" and the still in production "The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy".

Last a probably least, Mos Def is a brand of urban clothing(3). Most of they're stuff is pretty basic, but pretty cool. Hell, I'd pay for a sweatshirt that says "Mos Def"

Last and probably least,

1-Crack Peddler: "HEY BITCH! You wanna suck my cock for a crack rock?"
Crack Whore:"Mos def!"

2-Man Mos Def is ill, but he was really pushing his luck with his newest album.

3-Guy 1:Hey look, is that a "Mos Def" brand sweatshirt?

Guy 2: *Looking at sweatshirt clearly labeled "MOS DEF"* man, you're lucky I dont have my trusty 2 by four to beat yo ass.

by mrpopenfresh March 6, 2005

318πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

Death Star

What you call a big, star like laser in size capable of destroying entire worlds when you don't have any imagination.

*On the day of the Death Star's christening*

"I Christen thee, the DEATH STAR!"

Audience: *yawn*

by mrpopenfresh May 20, 2005

11πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Yet another lucky talentless girl who got marketed to a specific market and is now reaping the benefits of fame and fortune.

Big Cheese: So guys, any idea who whe should suck all the money out of?

Johnson: Well, punk looks in, maybe we shuold sucker all those little girls who are trying to be rebels into buying some insipid records.

Big Cheese: I like the cut of your jib, Johnson! Now go out there and find me someone to make us more money, my new cottage in the alps needs a pool.

by mrpopenfresh August 26, 2005

32πŸ‘ 287πŸ‘Ž


Land who is birthplace to the best food in the world; perogies. Unfortunately, it does have some quite disgusting national delicacies, like headcheese.

Mmmmmmmmm, I love these cheese and potato filled dough balls!

by mrpopenfresh April 23, 2004

303πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž