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you crying

a sentance that you use for some one who has been hurt or is acctually crying. you use this to make them feel bad.marc hughes

samuel sam samuelson fell down a clif and broke his neck. chris mccrory was there and pointed at him and said "you crying"

by mudafucka April 22, 2005

7👍 2👎


a spanish word meaning paki

oh man i hate that palala

by mudafucka April 22, 2005

15👍 29👎

being chris mccrory

being chris mccrory is much like being william mcneilly and marc hughes. it maens being the coolest in the world

hey man that piece of cheese we ate last night was so chris mccrory. i cant wait till i get some more.

by mudafucka April 21, 2005

27👍 18👎


a twin is a person who doesnt have there own identity. they are not unique. they wish to be a seperate person but yet they cant

hey mark you are a twin

by mudafucka April 27, 2005

23👍 81👎