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dick dier

a phrase used by no-one. This epic definition describes when something is so dier its actually dick. for the record i used it once.

*playing footy*
conor: shoots just above the crossbar in the corner of the goal so it doesn't go in
kallum: jeez that shot was dick dier


lewis: Tottenham's defense is so bad its dick dier. *proceeds to chuckle by himself*

by muph October 11, 2021

withering away

to wither

conor: woah where did josh go
kallum: he withered away

withering away

by muph August 4, 2021


Used to describe the middle of a sports ground such as football, basketball, rocket league etc. The main purpose of this must needed word is the fact its a shortened version of the word middle. I do not like the word middle.

*playing footy*

kallum- *running down the wing with the ball*
conor- *exclaiming and out of breath* MIDST!

kallum- *makes a lovely pass to the center of the pitch*
conor- *shoots, misses*
conor- at least it was a good midst tho
kallum- ye i guess

by muph July 19, 2022

pumped on mic

to fart on the microphone whilst playing brawlhalla on selected consoles

lewis pumped on mic but it might of been max

by muph August 4, 2021

Andrew Townsend

a andrew townsend also known as gandi a important aspect of this mythical being is he doesn't go outside, in ancient texts known as the siege custom game chat it depicts an ancient being pondering the thought of what a blade of grass fells like.

Another important aspect of this legendary creature is that it has only been seen once through a a pixel frame gap of a window he can some times be spotted in blenheim bleaching the porch.

The most important thing about this wonderous spectacle is that on one fateful day said to be a day when there was a god born amongst men the greatest thing a man has ever witnessed was created the gandis gambit there has only been one sighting of this ethereal event and it was witnessed by kallum chesters and lewis gallimore they say it changed there lives and gave them god like rocket league powers.

lewis: kallum are you looking at the same thing as me

kallum: oh my god lewis

lewis: what should we call it
kallum: the andrew townsend
lewis: no not epic enough

kallum: how about gandis gambit

lewis: that is it me friend

by muph September 3, 2021

12👍 3👎

creaming the pasty

Creaming the pasty is when you commence an action that your anal hole obtrudes solid excretory product, evacuated from the bowels. Then the dark steaming night soil lacerates the bowl, then the reservoir douses the droppings in liquid prevailing the night soil to be liquified in a rancid bath of micturate and diddly squat.

*in History class*
teacher: you should be revising even when while creaming the pasty

by muph October 12, 2021


half way between a muppet and a mug

The Lads:
look at chilman starting on that foreign guy what a mugget

by muph October 14, 2021