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twats who hang around outside McDonalds wearing burberry caps/gold chains/big puffy white jackets, smoking/swearing continuously. ALso listen to rap, hiphop etc.

argh, save me from the chavs!

by mwahahahaha August 4, 2005

8👍 1👎


Something on which one can click using a mouse, on the internet or an interactive cd, online ads, etc. in order to promote a response from the computer

A-is that icon clickable?
B-no, it doesn't do anything.

by mwahahahaha October 6, 2003

11👍 2👎


any advanced technological device, usually pointless and/or confusing. similaly: gadget, widget, whatchumacallit, etc.
palm pilots, global positioning systems, radar detectors, digital camera widgets, generally anything small and electronic.

-let me see that new gizmo you've got!
-yeah look it can tell you where the nearest cheese sandwich is down to 32.487m from anywhere in the world.

by mwahahahaha October 6, 2003

297👍 97👎