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mandible claw

matthew taking a widowmaker from behind who then gets taken by a road hog

omg that mandible claw was so good last night

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018

urban dictionary

the place where morals go to die

alex used to be descent until he used urban dictionary

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018

urban dictionary

the place where morals go to die

alex used to be descent until he used urban dictionary

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018

dick cheese mc fuzzy boi

when you have a super sticky dick

oh man that guy was a total dick cheese mc fuzzy boi

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018

mortar strike

multiple shits

dude i just shot a mortar strike into your toilet

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018

mortar strike

alex reigning death from above

holy shit look at that mortar strike

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018

mortar strike

multiple shits

dude i just shot a mortar strike into your toilet

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018