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Fucked 'em

shortened interjection of "fucked 'em up", used after someone has been proven wrong or has been outdone in an argument or insult with no chance of a come-back, resulting in humiliation and looking like an ass; meant to be yelled too fast to be understood sounding something like "FACKED 'EM" but not obvious enough for the teachers to understand
Origin: Boiling Springs High School, S.C. class of 2013

In class
fag: "like OMG, you made a 55 on that test it was SOOOO easy, haha you're so dumb"
other guy: ''atleast i don't like dick"
fag: (hush mode)
other guy: "FUCKED 'EM"

by myleftbuttcheek November 7, 2011

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