Source Code

Rock head

A crack head or someone who smokes crack.
Crack looks a lot like a small rock.

Yea man the rock head o.d over there but lived

by n333m September 7, 2005

40πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


when u mix shibby and hobbits u get a shobit is a stoner hobbit, the first shobit was created by Dr. R.N.H

mini me's stoner buddies,
how santas elves make him fly

by n333m August 29, 2004

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


the greatest things ever:)they make me happy

there amazingly neeem :D
there the greatest things ever
theyt bounch
they jiggle
they make good pillows

by n333m August 25, 2004

225πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

tre flip

when a skateboard does a 360 pop shove it and a kick flip at the same time. You also have to land on the board.

also know as a "360 flip" or "3 flip"

by n333m August 27, 2004

275πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Dr. R.N.H

one of the evil sciencetist behind the making of the nargy and the mayo maker

also none as R.T.G
or the dumbass that cant die

by n333m August 29, 2004

gibson les paul

An extremely good guitar. see les paul crazy train explains it all.

this guitar is so good it makes you hot in the pants at just a glance alone.

by n333m October 25, 2004

101πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

The Doors of Perception

An amazing book written by Aldous Huxley, Its mainly about the a drug / root called peyote and another drug called mescaline. The book was so impacting it infulanced amazing talents.

Such as jim morrison who later on named his band witch is now considered one of the greatest rock bands ever The Doors

by n333m October 25, 2004

27πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž