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Probably what you should be doing right now...

Instead you come here to procrastinate.

Hmm I need to revise, hell lets look up revision at urbandictionary to waste some time.

by nFuriate November 14, 2007

959👍 184👎


When your or someone else's birthday was yesterday.

Brian: I had a great birthday yesterday.
Fred: Happy Yesterbirthday Brian!
Brian: Yeh....thanks.

by nFuriate May 10, 2008


Massively Multiplayer Online Crack House.

This pretty much describes any MMORPG in existance. The unique qualities of these games are comparable to that of a crack house. Users go in, get completely addicted, and find it difficult to leave.

Person 1: So what MMORPG do you play?
Person 2: MMORPG? I play WoW, it's pretty much an MMOCH.

by nFuriate May 17, 2009

3👍 2👎


Means: 're-download'

Person 1: Damn the movie I just downloaded isn't working!
Person 2: Just redl mate.

by nFuriate May 9, 2007

14👍 6👎

happy yesterbirthday

This is said when you forgot to tell a person happy birthday, and only remember the day after.

Bill: I had a great birthday yesterday...
Fred: Shit! Happy Yesterbirthday!
Bill: Yeh...thanks.

by nFuriate May 10, 2008


Used as shorthand in online conversations to substitute 'especially'.

Person 1: Wow that concert was ace!
Person 2: Yeh the drummer was esp good.

by nFuriate May 13, 2009

343👍 109👎