Source Code

yea yuh

A way to express moderate to extreme happiness.

However, it can be mistaken for random noises if said in a guttural manner.

Also can be said after acheiving a great task.

EX 1: (after looking down a hot girl's shirt)

EX 2:
Guy: Hey!
Poser: Huh?
Guy: Fuck you! Yea yuh

EX 3:
Guy1: Hey, you know that hot exchange student?
Guy2: Yep.
Guy1: I beat it up.

EX 4:
B0B: What kinda animal makes those stupid noises man?

by nadsafs March 13, 2009

60πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

lesbian shame

When the fact that a girl is a lesbian is a shame. This only occurs when she is hot. Because no one would mind a fat or ugly lesbian.

N: That's the hot girl in my German class
A: Aight that's, cool
T: Urgh dude she's lesbian dude.
Alien:Aw man!
N: Damn that's some lesbian shame right there.

by nadsafs March 24, 2009

76πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

scoping out the hoes

When you're checking out the females. Specifically, to go out of your own way to check out a girl.

EX 1:
Guy: Hold up I can't tell if she's hot yet.
Guy2: aight that's cool
Guy3: scoping out the hoes?
Guy1+2: YEA YUH
Guy1: oo yea, I would.

by nadsafs March 14, 2009

61πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The word can have several meanings.

1.Jubbard(ing): to complain

2.Jubbard: to have sex with an animal

3.Jubbard: to defecate

EX 1. Allen kept Jubbarding about his English class.

EX 2. I bet that guy Jubbards animals.

EX 3. Man, I had to take a huge Jubbard.

by nadsafs March 12, 2009

60πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Bitch Fit Queen.

A BFQ is someone who often has bitch fits. A bitch fit is when someone starts acting like a bitch for whatever reason.

EX 1.
Teacher: I don't appreciate your atittude.
Marts: I don't really care.
Teacher:Well, here (hands him a pass) Go get counseling.
Marts: Goody.
N: What a fucking BFQ
T: urgh dude he sucks dude.

by nadsafs April 14, 2009

42πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Busty Broadcast Babe

Term used to describe a hot news anchor woman that has a nice rack.

"Dude Gina Trunzo on channel 11 is a busty broadcast babe"

"Robin Meade is such a busty broadcast babe that if she were a president, she'd be Baberaham Lincoln."

"Jenny Anchondo is hot too"

Yea Yuh

by nadsafs June 11, 2009

51πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Another way of saying dude. Sounds like dude but said in a deep voice with a "Z" sound in front. Saying it unconsciously makes you look like a dumbass. Usually said in a sarcastic way to mock someone.

Also can be used as a filler, much like dude.

J: My dog died.
A: Zood.
J: Is that it you idiot?

(Girl walks by)
B: Zood she's smokin zood would you hit that zood?

N: yea yuh

B:Zood front and back zood?

N: mm-hmm

by nadsafs March 30, 2009

72πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž