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*rap battle at a park with many people*

Guy 1" i broke up with my ex girl, here's her number"
Guy 2 *opens paper*
Guy 1 " SIKE thats the wrong number" *jumps into crowd of people*

*gives person a paper of his ex girls number but its fake*


by natmun April 14, 2021

I hate that i love you

when you like or love someone so much - but your not the type to do that because you know you will get your heart broken and you hate liking people or falling in love- that you hate them. it makes you so mad that someone like them could do that to you. Hes perfect, hes funny, hes everything. but why did you have to like him. So, you hate him and you say you would never date them because you know that it would never work out, but in the back of your head behind all that "hate" you would always be there for him and love him, and you wish to be with him. but you hate him.

i hate that i love you

by natmun April 14, 2021

32👍 2👎


literally the prettiest girl you will ever meet and ever know. she is actually funny, has big dick energy and is overall a really great person. but the J names always think shes not so great and act like they didnt have anything in their friendship but there was always something but the J name is also a man hoe but we all know in the back of his head hes in love.

Natalia is the best person in the entire world
Natalia is the pretiest person ever

by natmun April 15, 2021

3👍 125👎