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You Got Cruzed!

Pronounced: ('You Got Cruised!') Is a expression that is usually used when someone proves that they are better than someone else without sounding like a Chav, leaving the victim speechless.

This can be used in any scenario.

Boy 1: Mum, please don't shout at me when my friends are...

Boy 1's Mum: Shut up you little shit! I can shout whenever I want!

Boy 2: You Got Cruzed!

by natty56bp October 29, 2011

25👍 6👎

A 15

Pronunciation: "Ah 15"

A 15 is a way of describing a girl who you are unsure you want to sleep with, whether she is not sexy or just fugly.

A 15 reffers to the casino version of blackjack. When you get 15, you are never sure if you wanna hit it.

Derives from "How I Met Your Mother"

Boy 1: Hey, you see that girl over there?
Boy 2: Yeah man look at that face? Shes A 15.
Boy 1: Oh you can just get a plastic bag for that face.

by natty56bp January 23, 2012

11👍 9👎