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Clash of Clams

When 2 ladies have a fight!

Saw two wifes fighting on the tram last night. 'it was a proper clash of clams '

by neilo5000 September 11, 2015

19👍 6👎

fill in

to attack somebody physically and successfully

somebody fill in somebody, Please!

Craig David "I'm going to fill you in you bastard"

Avid Merrion "Arrgh....I've been filled in" (by Craig David)

by neilo5000 June 9, 2009

25👍 13👎

Baggy Aggy

A violent geordie game for kids.

Everybody puts their school bag in a large circle. If your bag is hit by the football you receive a punch in the leg, arm, chest or head from every opponent.

Standard version is two-touch, also one-touch and three-touch variations

Should we have have a game of baggy aggy?

Yeah, one-touch or two?

by neilo5000 August 31, 2017


When Jews do ridiculous things like locking you in your own home for months for your own safety!

You need to stay at home for 9 months for your own safety! Fuck that! That law is yidiculous!

by neilo5000 November 8, 2022

2nd World Problem

When people in former communist countries such as Hungary and Poland have problems.

That car alarm has been going off for 2 hours now and that Hungarian policeman has done nothing to turn it off!

"Shut up Maddox, that's a 2nd World Problem"

by neilo5000 February 19, 2016