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Huge if true

Said of information that's yet to be corroborated or factchecked referring to a controversial, hot, cultutlslt relevant or personally interesting topic.
This phrase would imply optimistic skepticism, saying the news are big, important, relevant or game changing if they're factual or truthful and not just bait or trolling.

Guy 1: I've heard there will be a new Monkey Island with it'd original director.

Guy 2: No way! That's huge if true!

by nicklikesdogs June 11, 2022

5👍 3👎


Your name is your personal identification, given to you by your tutor at the moment of your birth, at times it is given to you before you came out of the uterus by your parents or adoptive parents that had a deal with a woman who's uterus they rented. There is cases like orphans or children left behind that get names later on in their lives by uncles, nuns and others.
If you have an average English, there is a high likelihood that it will be registered in urban dictionary might tell you excellent things: To women, it tells them that they are special and beautiful, unique in every sense and kind hearted; while to men it'll tell them that they are the perfect boyfriend, that their penis is ginormous and they are unstoppable in the bed, also that they are intelligent and magnificent.
But there are exceptions to this rule such as Eugene.

1: Hello there, my name is Mark.
2: Oh cool, I'm Erika.
1: Really? That's great! Urban dictionary says Erika's are great people, really understanding and charming, no way one could be bad, urban dictionary wouldn't lie.

After college Mark and Erika got married Erika became a housewife and 5 years in their marriage, Erika cheated and got divorced, took away the kids and Mark's money

by nicklikesdogs May 22, 2017

8👍 2👎


Originally a alteration of the word “cunt”. Both terms used to refer to a woman's vagina, it has been spun by anime fans, specially lolicons into the idea that it's a portamentau of “cute and funny” and in referral to loli characters. Don't let this fool you enough, it still means vagina and it's used to imply some mad thirst to rail a loli. It tends to be accompanied by the crying emoji 😭 and maybe a capitalized “UUOOOGGGHHH" in a sort of… display of desperation to do foul things to a character who may or may not be a minor with an age in the single digits.

Though not all lolis are strickly under the two digits of age, they may still elicit such reaction. See Rebecca from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Taiga from Toradora and every short and flat V-tuber who, in many occasions have character ages and real life ages over the age of consent.

Guy: So what did you think about cyberpunk Edgerunners?
Guy: … ok.

by nicklikesdogs July 12, 2023