Source Code


An extension of stfu, meaning Just Shut The Fuck Up For Once.

Person 1: blah blah blah blah blah...
Person 2: Dude! Jstfufo!

by nirvana4lf December 26, 2008

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Any actions/behavior seen on 4chan, or even in life that deem one a newfag. Newfaggotry commonly appears in the form of a failed triforce or in failed attempts of creating a meme.


anon /b/tard: there is a rancid stench of newfaggotry spewing from this thread.

Җ²Â Ò–²

by nirvana4lf January 31, 2010

55πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

meat rope

a horse's penis

it is a very long and quite retractable. when it extends, its over a foot long, and when it retracts, its nothing. it actually goes back inside the horse's body.

Jason and Spencer touched the meat rope (which looked like it had cuts on it) while Sam and Jordan laughed outside of the horse pen.

by nirvana4lf March 14, 2006

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


When you have a bag of weed, the last bits of it are known as shake. But if you have high quality weed, the shake will be very kiefy, hence the word kief-shake.

After finishing that beautiful 1/8 oz of Purple Kush, I rolled a fat joint with the kief-shake, and got really really really really high.

by nirvana4lf March 14, 2008

10πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


v. to take a shit after one smokes a cigarette and feels the urge to do so.

n. the act of shitting after getting the urge to do so from a cigarette

v. After smoking some cigarettes, Jake was taking a cigshit in the bathroom already.

n. Man, I have to go take a cigshit after smoking all that.

by nirvana4lf April 28, 2007

bake off

A competition to see who can get more baked, i.e. who can smoke more weed.

Person 1: Holy shitt dude, this is my 29th bowl.... ive reached the plateau i think, can't do this bake off anymore..

Person 2: Stop being such a puss! I'm on my 69 bowl and I ain't even buzzed yet! *passes out*

by nirvana4lf December 27, 2008

66πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

thizz faced

When you are pail, have very dilated pupils, and probably are sweaty/smelly from rolling at a rave for 8 hours. You cant help but bite on every bitable object in sight and theres no way you're falling asleep for the next few hours. You are clearly fucked up!

Person 1: Wow, I'm rolling balls!
Person 2: Dude, you are completely thizz faced, you smelly etard!

by nirvana4lf December 26, 2008

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