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the second worst year ever recorded

2020 sucks

by nobilly7 September 13, 2020


its a lamborghini that you share with the boys

wagwan g you see my new whipaghini we boutta share yeah?

by nobilly7 December 5, 2020


an emotion of feeling depressed from confusion, which would mainly be used in something like a difficult question, or homework.

guy: i'm feeling really dowinducibled from this thought i've been having
guy 2: oh, really? it's ok i'll help you

by nobilly7 February 7, 2023


a person who is faking cancer

guy: did you hear about that sancerist on tiktok?
guy 2: oh yeah, she's annoying

by nobilly7 February 7, 2023


someone who swears a lot and also hates children

I saw a cringplack across the street

by nobilly7 September 13, 2020


a fear of knowledge, commonly in a phobia of schools or librarys

guy: my son can't go to school, he had xeroniphobia
guy 2: i wish i had that

by nobilly7 February 7, 2023


A powerful stove made from solid metal

My friend Adam has a stovenco

by nobilly7 November 22, 2019