Source Code

doctor dew

Beverage containing 2 parts Mountain Dew, 1 part Dr. Pepper.

See dr. dew.

mmm, doctor dew you're my only friend.

by nocturnal April 13, 2006

36πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

grill piece


1. Teeth, or more specifically cosmetic dental apparati commonly cast in gold or platinum, sometimes set with jewels such as diamonds.

He got blasted in his grill piece like wOtwOT!

by nocturnal May 14, 2006

36πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


See Nigga.


by nocturnal July 28, 2003

47πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


A sarcastic typo of ownt. See Ownt.

i pwnt j00 newb.

by nocturnal January 24, 2003

72πŸ‘ 167πŸ‘Ž


Variant of: Owned. See Owned.

I ownt him by running him over in a jeep.

by nocturnal January 24, 2003

275πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž


1. An ignorant person whos top priorities are their drug intake, american football, eating at mcdonalds, driving their camaro/mustang and trying to pick up under aged girls. they cannot hold a conversation because they burnt out their last few brain cells eating handfuls of pills (they dont know what was in them, they just eat them) and drinking cases of shit beer (ie, bud or miller lite.) they are violent and frequent run of the mill night clubs.

2. See meathead.

lunchable: "sandwich yo!"
humanoid: "uhm what would you like in your sandwhich?"
luncahble: "meat!"
humanoid: "ok, what type of bread would you like?"
lunchable: "meat!"
humanoid: "ok, here's your meat on meat sandwich.."

by nocturnal January 10, 2005

68πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


Jologs- It means you're outcast, corny, poser or any negative things you can think of!

Boy 1: Hoy idol mo ga si April Boy?
Boy 2: Oo, idol ko!
Boy 1: Ala eh! jologsss kaa!!!

by nocturnal October 31, 2003

57πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž