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gayness brothers

often refering to the Jonas Brothers because they are so gay for each other.

Dude, the Jonas Brothers are soo gay.

Yeah, but they're called the Gayness Brothers now.

by noellewashere March 10, 2009

21👍 4👎


a very artistic person who is short, evil and Asian. Also good at drawing anime.

Hey look at this picture. A Dorthea must have drawn it.

by noellewashere March 10, 2009

13👍 27👎

Edward Cullen

The oldest virgin in the world, being 108 years old. A vampire that was thought of as gay until he fell for the freaky, socially awkward, ugly, pale girl, that smells like freesia and he always want to kill to taste her sweet blood,that he stalked and watched her sleep for about four months before they became a couple.(I don't know he still seems gay to me.) He sparkles in the sunlight and can run really fast and like read your thoughts.

Man, that guy is freaky.
Yeah he's a true Edward Cullen.

by noellewashere March 10, 2009

379👍 106👎