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Hayden is 99.999999% likely to make you fall in love with him. He's just so handsome, and sexy, and just perfect. He has a perfect face, the best hair you've ever seen, the most loving embrace you'll ever feel. He is very smart, he just doesn't show it off and is modest in that way. He loves to take care of you and make you feel his love. On the inside, he is a child, but on the outside he is the most protective and loving man you'll ever come across; he's just waiting to find the perfect woman for him, a child at heart that doesn't mind his perfect weirdness. He'll do anything to make you smile or laugh. Including sex jokes. God he's just hilarious. He'll tease you (touchy-wise) until you can't stand him anymore. But you'll come back to him anyways.

Hayden is very self-conscious, however, and if you date this masterpiece of a man he will continue to doubt his worthiness of you; he WILL get jealous, but quite frankly it's adorable. Being such an important part of Hayden's life can be challenging sometimes, but all he needs is a little reassurance of your love for him (which you KNOW you have because like how could you not be madly in love with this boy). He'll feel as if he has no one, but please prove otherwise to him, because whether he shows it well or not, he knows he needs you.
Please handle Hayden with care. He will show his appreciation for you no matter where you're at. Being with Hayden is the adventure of a lifetime.

Girl: Who's that?
Girl that just so happens to be Hayden's girlfriend: Yeah that's Hayden. Back the f*** off. He's mine.
Girl: Damn, alright.

by not_bella November 19, 2017

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