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dialing coach

a professional "dialing coach" is a trained counselor who is paid by reticent or shy parents to have "the talk" with young adolescent males. the physicality and aesthetic of sex is central. generally speaks in language that is somehow both forthright and metaphorical.

Parent 1: I've noticed that Benny is taking longer showers recently.
Parent 2: Time to call the dialing coach!

Girl 1: What are u doing to me?!??
Benny: No worries Callie it's like my D Coach taught me - DIAL DOWN THE MIDDLE.

by notskinnyimsmallboned December 3, 2010

absolut wunderbar

contested etymology tho probable genesis in early 80s Berlin electro-artpop movement or 1920s Weimar Germany. can be both an exclamation to indicate visceral, hedonistic pleasure with one's situation, or a more conversational phrase to express heady vibes empathy with a friend's recent achievements.

Dude 1: I just heard the remix to Purple Ribbon All-Stars' "Kryptonite." ABSOLUT WUNDERBAR!

Dude 1: My girl ordered the number 19 combination platter at the Indian spot last nite. The yogurt was straight fire; I was hecka wylin on it.
Dude 2: O Abs Wunderbar status fo sho fo sho.

by notskinnyimsmallboned November 27, 2010