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The feeling of regret after getting a severe case of COVID-19 after either: refusing to get a vaccine, denying existence of the virus, or generally downplaying the impact of the virus during a the pandemic

Phil felt a lot of covidgret after being in the hospital for 2 weeks with COVID-19 following his unmasked-n-unvaxxed family reunion

by novaglen July 27, 2021


The process of an out going administration installing political appointees into civil servant positions of the government in order to cause trouble or annoy the incoming administration

Donald Trump ramspecked Sean Spicer into a low level position at the EPA so the new administration wouldn't forget what his farts smell like

by novaglen March 21, 2017

mormon exploitation

When a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints comes to prosthelytize and the one being prosthelytized feigns interest while getting the LDS member to perform helpful tasks.

Two young LDS members carried Patrick's luggage all the way up 14 flights of stairs. Once to his apartment Patrick quickly entered and slammed the door. And he though to himself: now that was some good mormon exploitation.

Frieda listened for 4 and a half hours while Josiah spoke about how The Church had changed him for the better. She really wasn't interested but really needed help getting her house cleaned for the party that night so she did some mormon exploitation.

by novaglen January 22, 2013