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jurassic buttload

The apex of all buttloads.

Seth: "Dude, there's a buttload of chocolate in the kitchen!"
Jason: "Like a human buttload?"
Seth: "No! A jurassic buttload!"

by nurseawesome February 20, 2014

good ol' boy

A Southern born boy who is country to the core. He likes to hunt and could not be prouder of his gun collection. He carries one knife in his pocket and another in his boot, in case the one in his pocket gets confiscated. Usually drives a truck and listens to country. A hard working, honest gentleman, who prefers the simple life and is just looking for a girl he can take shootin'.

"On our first date he showed me a picture of him pulling a bullet out of a deer's heart. He said he keeps it on his desk."
"Oh, you got yourself a good ol' boy! They're the best!"

by nurseawesome August 23, 2013

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