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A totally bad-ass game where some dude with a microphone calls out a letter and a number simultaneously and you mark the combination on your board if it's there. After playing this game for about 10 minutes, someone will get 5 pieces diagonally, horizontally, or vertically and yell out the word "BINGO!" and everyone will applaud and they win the game. Generally only played by old people with no lives.

Old Man: BINGO!
Old Woman: Drats! I only needed B4.

by ocb2000 December 12, 2014

105👍 32👎

Edgar Allan Poe

An extremely depressed man that wrote stories about murder and death. Everyone that he ever loved died of Tuberculosis. He finally got so desperate that he married his 13 year old cousin. Probably was a serial killer, but nobody wanted to arrest him because they were too afraid that he would give them tuberculosis. Obsessed with a Raven and carries it around all the time like a little creep.

Annabel Lee: Edgar, I have Tuberculosis.
Edgar Allan Poe: Go Figure.

by ocb2000 December 12, 2014

19👍 32👎


The act of taking a spoon and smacking a person you'd prefer not be in acquaintances with.

Lynn: Hey Stupid Nobody
Me: Ew I don't like you *begins spooning Lynn*

by ocb2000 December 12, 2014

73👍 87👎


A poor excuse for a toy. A motherboard made out of scrap parts covered in fur. The toy makers at Mattel most likely have landfill scouts to go out everyday and locate parts to make Furby. The poor children buy this piece of crap and take it home to find that the advertisements weren't true. These kids think that Furby will respond to anything you say or tell it, but in reality, it has like 5 pre-recorded responses and laughs if you tap its stomach. Every time it "wakes up", you can't get it to turn off, so you sit there being tortured by its robotic voice for literally an hour before it decides to go to sleep. Furby is most likely a governmental spy that collects video footage of confused children. Don't take off its fur, because it looks like Satan. They tried to make it be cool by making it an app, which only succeeded in making it more lame. For God's sake, all you can do is feed it electronic food.

Mattel Guy: Hey dude, time to make another Furby.
Other Mattel Guy: Kill me.

by ocb2000 December 12, 2014

4👍 6👎