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A girl you never knew you wanted or needed so bad, until you met her. Daisy is incredibly beautiful, but not typical- she is different but in the bestest of ways.

Daisy will normally associate herself with a certain group of friends, but even if that isn't you she is welcoming and loving.

Yes, sometimes quirky however, she will listen when you need her to. Daisy, is probably troubled with her own problems but will make time for you.
Thats her inside however, her exterior makes your jaw drop. Her hair long/short (it doesn't matter because it is perfect either way), her body isn't ridiculous- you can tell she eats well but can still be normal and have something sweet. Her eyes- almost a mix of the most stunning colours you can find with an added glimmer to them.
You want her to notice you... but you want her to be happy... because deep down you can't stop your mind from thinking about her... if only she felt the same.

Because you love her.

Daisy a rare human that embodies perfection

by odna February 11, 2015

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