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Don't look at me!

if you are really Insecure of what you look like then you would say this so that one person would just stop looking at you since they are a threat and make you feel bad and insecure about themselves or if that person is really creeping you out when they look at you.

Ugly girl: *stares at guy*
Guy: don't look at me!

Girl: *looks at fat or ugly guy*
Insecure guy: don't look at me!

by oliviakl April 15, 2016

3👍 8👎


A town in the suburbs of upstate, NY where the majority of rednecks, middle class families and old veterans live. Though for kids it is a great place to grow up in. In the summer, the kids would boat on the lake pretty much everyday. During the winter, they would go skiing/snowboarding at Bristol. In school the kids participle in sports and/or music. During the spring a lady with bags in her hands with gel on her face walks around the streets of canandaigua and is called "The Vaseline Lady". If you see her walking around then you know it's spring already. Canandaigua is mainly big for its lake, hunting, horseback riding, etc.

Canandaigua is a nice little town to grow up in even though the town is a little weird.

by oliviakl September 11, 2016

14👍 5👎