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a fat person.

oh my fucking gosh, she’s such a bigelow!

by omgitsme23 June 8, 2018

7👍 6👎


a biker gang in quincy massachusetts.

it stands for young biker squad.

if you put it in ur snapchat name and you’re not in the gang, you get jumped.

my friends and i are in ybs.

by omgitsme23 November 17, 2019

4👍 2👎

danger wank

jerking off in a place where you have a high risk of getting caught.

Dave wanted to danger wank in the Taco Bell bathroom, not in a stall, and he did. He almost got caught danger wanking but he put his junk back in his pants.

by omgitsme23 February 22, 2018

butt junk

when things that aren’t poop or farts come out of your butt.

examples: hair, lint, toilet paper, or skin.

fat ol’ bob had some butt junk last night. he was itching his ass when he woke up, and pulled out a nice long hair. it’s weird, because he has extremely short hair. after lunch he went to take a nice piss, and a fart came out. he wiped his ass, and there was lint on the toilet paper. he left the restroom and had a nice ass itch, so he pulled down his pants, and there was toilet paper in his butt. he had a bean burrito with a nice soft taco, and took a nice shit. when he was in the bathroom, he found a small piece of skin in his underwear! go bob!

by omgitsme23 June 8, 2018

Capital Typer

A person who types like this

Hi I Am A Person Who Loves Cats And Guinea Pigs And I Hate Dogs

Why are people such Capital Typers?

by omgitsme23 August 28, 2017


an asian

dong is a gook

by omgitsme23 February 22, 2018

113👍 102👎


a woman who is a stripper.

evan: oh shit what’s that stripper’s name? she’s hot!

devan: oh her? that’s chrystal!

by omgitsme23 March 31, 2019

1👍 1👎