Source Code


The tartan of Apple Computer.

What is that guy wearing?

That's iPlaid. He must be an Apple engineer.

by onehandcrabbing October 18, 2012

3👍 1👎


A sudden, unexpected and usually high pitched fart that produces a physical jolt similar to an electric shock. The effect is sometimes felt by those nearby.

I just started giving the speech when I was hit by fartning! Everyone was shocked!

by onehandcrabbing November 14, 2011

29👍 1👎

Felix Baumgardner

The boy who jumped... and lived.

Felix Baumgardner jumped from the edge of space at 128,000 feet setting a new world record.

There's Felix the Cat and there's Felix who didn't Splat.

by onehandcrabbing October 15, 2012

10👍 4👎


Similar to MILF, SMILE is an acronym for Sex Muffin I'd Like to Eat.

That woman has an amazing SMILE.

No doubt. She looks delicious.

by onehandcrabbing December 12, 2013

2👍 3👎


An app that makes your photos look like shit while simultaneously making you happy about it.

I can't believe Facebook paid a billion dollars to buy Instagram; a program that makes perfectly good photos look like shit.

"OMG look at my mom's crappy old photos from the 70s... Oh, but check out this Instagram photo of me and Katie at the bar last night."

Instagram makes photos more fartsy than artsy.

by onehandcrabbing April 26, 2012

433👍 261👎

Chicken Noodle Soup (song)

A hip hop song by DJ Webstar. It was performed by rappers Young B. and The Voice of Harlem. There is also an accompanying dance.

In the great tradition of hip hop, Chicken Noodle Soup combines the lyrical and rhythmic power of insightful poetry with profound social commentary reflecting the societal, economic and educational realities of Harlem and other communities like it.

The chicken noodle soup symbolizes a cheap meal and speaks to the economic distress of the community while “the soda on the side” represents the allure of unhealthy “feel good” sugar foods and calories highlighting directly poor nutrition and the need for instant gratification indirectly (by contrast most families with greater education would serve milk or water with the soup).

It has been argued that the rain can mean almost anything metaphorically, but that the depth of the metaphor is that it is a recurring maladaptive behavior repeated over and over by members of the community. “Let it rain, then clear it out. Let it rain, then clear it out.” No effort is made to stop the rain from coming in. It’s allowed and then “cleared out” in perpetuity.

Chicken Noodle Soup (song) is a hot song, man. Straight up dope in 2006!

by onehandcrabbing June 1, 2012

67👍 19👎


A person who willingly takes the blame for a fart when it wasn't theirs, especially to protect the true farter from suffering unbearable embarrassment.

I was with Julie at her swearing in ceremony when she ripped a thunderclap. I quickly became a fartyr for her!

by onehandcrabbing October 28, 2012