Source Code

land lubbers

pirate talk for non-seafaring people
popular in movies

"Aargh, ye land lubbers no nerthin' 'bout the ways of de sea!"

by orangehatter November 12, 2004

32👍 7👎


(V.) a form of "get it"
1. To retrieve something

2. To understand

1. Crazy B:Man, I left my kicks atcho place

Long J:Then lez bounce and gizit.

2. Long J: So you have to carry the 2 to the 8th power and (blah blah)

Crazy B:Bro, I just don't gizit.

by orangehatter March 3, 2005

32👍 20👎


<v.> To have a desire, mild or strong, for someone or something. Not neccesarily sexual or violent.

I'm fiendin' for some Tims, man.

by orangehatter January 22, 2005

285👍 90👎


a simple exclamatory statement
when "crap" just won't suffice

What in craptastication is that mutt doing in my toilet!?!

by orangehatter March 28, 2005

2👍 3👎


<v.> Get A Girl's Attention, unlike macking, it's is with a longterm relationship in mind

Boy 1: Man, you can't gaga worth a crap

Boy 2: Can't help it, bro. I'm shy.

by orangehatter January 22, 2005

20👍 29👎


<n.> Portuguese for sleep

Said as though it were something to capture

I'm beat. Ima catch some sono.

by orangehatter March 3, 2005

13👍 16👎