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One of the most incredible people you will ever meet. Every room they walk into instantly lights up when they smile. They tend to crack a lot of jokes, which are sometimes awkward but always funny. Guys practically line up to spend time with them, because they know how special they are. Lucies are usually on the taller side, with brown eyes, brown hair, a great bod, and an incredible personality. If you know a Lucie, never let them go and cherish every second with them. If you're their best friend, count yourself super lucky. A Lucie will make you feel like the most special person in the world, and you should make them feel the same way. They are also super easy to fall in love with, and can charm anyone they please.

I've only been hanging out with Lucie for a few months, but I think I'm already in love with her!

by orangejuiceandoreosmydude September 15, 2018

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