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hobo corner

On Chicago Transit Authority Trains, the area with two seats at the front and back of each car that is separated by a wall from all the other seats on the train. It is relatively isolated and gives some privacy to people who sit in them. So named because it is also allows a homeless person space to sleep, and occasionally defecate, without being noticed.

Bob: "Hey, let's go sit in those seats, nobody will bother us."

Jim: "No way! That's the hobo corner, it smells like piss!"

by oz115 September 9, 2011

9👍 2👎

Call in gay

1. A form of protest wherein people boycott work/shopping to show the importance of gay people to the economy;

2. When a guy makes plans to go out with his friends, but then backs out at the last moment with a poor excuse.

1. "John and Sally are going to call in gay today and go to the Prop 8 rally downtown."

2. Bill: "Where's Dave, happy hour is almost over!"
Tom: "He called in gay. Said he had a headache."

by oz115 December 15, 2008

28👍 6👎


verb: To cut ahead of people who are already waiting in a line; used primarily in Central Ohio.
noun: The result of allowing somebody to do this.

"How did Bill get so close to the front of the line?"
"He asked Bob for a ditch, Bob said alright, so he ditched the line."

by oz115 July 25, 2008

74👍 51👎