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bloomer biscuit

Another word for a female vagina.

Man check out that woman there. Yeah I would like to butter her bloomer biscuit. Wouldn't you?

by pantyteamaster May 11, 2009

89πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

nigger chips

Slang for the crunched up potatoe chips that are left in the bottom a bag that no one really wants.

Damn man you ate all the good chips and all that are left are these nigger chips. Man mom gave me all the nigger chips that were left in the bottom of the potatoe chip bag.

by pantyteamaster January 2, 2009

615πŸ‘ 369πŸ‘Ž

Going to Mount Olympus

A place that is usually where the higher headquarters are for your particular orginazation. If you have to go to this place for any reason, it can be a significant emotional event. The only reason you would have to go to such a place is if you have fucked up in some severe way. Although sometimes it can be for no reason. Sometimes the people at the top can just be lonely and they want to see someone in their office just so they can feel important.

Hey man where are you going today in a such a rush? Well I have to be Going to Mount Olympus today to go and see the man. You know how it is the big boss is feeling a little lonely and he has to justify why he exists. So I got to go see the man.

by pantyteamaster July 12, 2010

50πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Threaten Your NCOER Leadership

An NCOER stands for Non Commissioned Officer Evaluation Report. It is an evaluation that comes from your supervisor usually every year but also due when your leadership changes. It's supposed to be a non biased report based on your performance throughout a certain period of time. But what sometimes happens is leaders don't know of any other way to get their subordinates to do certain things so they will threaten them with a bad or poor rating on their NCOER. Usually a technique used by spineless leaders who have no resemblence of a backbone. The only reason people do this is because they have no respect from their subordinates and this is the only way they can exert what little power they have.

Hey man why did you leave out of the meeting today all pissed off? Oh you didn't hear. That asshat just threatened to give me a bad NCOER if I don't do things "his" way, which we all know is just ass backwards and against regulation. Oh yeah I had one of those leaders one time. I call it Threaten Your NCOER Leadership. Yeah well I cannot wait unitl I leave this place or that jackass leaves one. Yeah and some supervisors don't know how to lead hungry wolves to fresh meat.

by pantyteamaster October 15, 2010

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

hide the sausage

Can be used as a term to describe meetings that do not accomplish anything but wasting your valuable time. Usually meetings that consist of sales or production meetings, could also be board meetings. Being in meetings of this sort makes you want to beat the hell out of whoever is in charge of you. This type of meeting is usally accompanied by complete asshatery. And is a complete waste of time.

Hey man where are you going so late in the day. Oh you didn't hear...The higher ups are calling a late night hide the sausage meeting. Yeah I know those things suck. It's complete asshatery at its finest. Well let me go I have to go and play hide the sausage.

by pantyteamaster May 10, 2009

154πŸ‘ 201πŸ‘Ž

armchair ranger

The type of asshat who sits there and says "Oh yeah, I would have done this. Or done it that way. This person has never been in any situation at all so therefore they have no authority to comment on anything.

Hey man I heard you got shot at the other day. Yeah. Well what did you do. Well I got down and tried to get out of the way and not get fucking shot. Well I would have stood up and shot back. Shut the fuck up you armchair ranger. You don't know and you will never know what to do. All you do is sit on your ass and specualate.

by pantyteamaster October 20, 2010

13πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

boot weasel

A U.S. Army term for a person who will point out how fucked up your boots and uniform are. But in contrast their uniform and boots are worse than yours. This type of person is either a supervisor or a peer. Often associated with spot light rangers.

Hey man where the hell are you going we are supposed to be in the motorpool. Well the boot weasel caught me at the gate this morning and pointed out in front of the Sergeant Major that my boots were fucked up. So now I have to go to Mount Olympus this afternoon to show him that I am really squared away. Well it sounds to me that the boot weasel pulled out his ball bag musket and put his balls in your mouth. No man it felt like doing the hamstring stretch standing while someone put their vein laden meat pipe in my ass.

by pantyteamaster August 9, 2010

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