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causing a lot of destruction or damage

a type of delicious dumpling used in soup or noodle soup found in Chinese cuisine

that holy hand grenade caused some wonton damage.

that wonton soup with rice noodles tasted delish!

by papermachete October 27, 2005

52πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


that which you have to eat to survive.

i got home..got some food..no wait..smoked some pot..got some food..no..ordered a burrito..took out the trash

by papermachete November 2, 2005

12πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Another way of saying okay, affirmative, roger that, or sure, sure thing, or alright

Related form is okey dokey

Naomi: When you go to the grocery store, could you get some Nutella?
Dawayne: Okeydoke.

by papermachete February 22, 2006

69πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

the truth

1. Something no one can handle.

2. Something that usually is stranger than fiction.

3. Something that can be really fucked up.

Kaffee: I want the truth!
Col. Jessep: You can't handle the truth!

The truth is rarely pure and never simple. --Oscar Wilde

Truth is stranger than fiction

by papermachete October 25, 2005

104πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

boring ass

Really really really ridiculously boring.

That physics lecture was so boring ass, I fell asleep with my leg behind my ear and my finger in my ass.

by papermachete October 26, 2005

37πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


(n.) The origin of this word could possibly be from bunkum, which means rubbish or hogwash.

(n.) A bed that has two mattress levels.

What a bunch of bunk! I do not sleep with my teddy bear...all the time.

Mike: That bunk looks mighty fine! I get to be on the top!
Nadia: Sicko.

by papermachete October 31, 2005

14πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

stop talking

self-explanatory phrase used to say in polite terms something that could be said in a lot ruder fashion.

Please stop talking, my friend.

by papermachete November 2, 2005

71πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž