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A guy who dresses smart, will pay for the drinks and will smoke nothing but a quality sigar. Always has a light scent of money on him but normally covers that up with expensive cologne. He will walk into a party with a tailored suit on and will leave with a stunning sexy lady under each arm. Knows how to seduce ladies and ladies know they want to be seduced by him. Looks so good men will call him gay, ladies will call him the one. Stands out in a room and is always looking proud, quite rightly too.

Sexy model: Wow look at him.
Sexy model 2: Wow he stands out in that suit, looks so handsome, I know who Im leaving with tonight.
Sexy model: Yeah he's really prominent, I bet he'll buy me a drink.
Sexy model 2: I think I can smell his money from here.
Sexy model: He's amazing.

by pdsc October 13, 2013

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