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William may seem like a basic guy maybe apart of the "boys". or tease you around his friends and act mean so he doesn't get embarrassed but he's actually a really sweet/adorable person. He is much more sweet then he seems once his friends aren't around you two. He's the type of guy to cuddle while watching a romance anime and eat Ramen with. He may act like he isn't soft but he's actually a true gentleman who really does care for you even though he may not show it.

Girl: William is so rude. 🙄
Ur thoughts: if only she knew how sweet he really was..
U: yea ikr...

by peepeepoopooman April 11, 2021

1👍 1👎

blunt spray

A bottle of air freshener used to mask the smell of weed in a room.

"Damn son, my mom will be home in 10 minutes and this room reeks of weed! Pass me the blunt spray."

by peepeepoopooman March 4, 2018

8👍 1👎


Brady is a caring loving friends who will always be there for you. Brady is attractive and cute. He lives sports and is amazing at flirting.Brady is a great guy best friend and isn’t fake. He’s popular and charming! He’s every girls dream boy!

Who’s that new kid?
Who Brady!
Oh he’s just the most beautiful person you will ever meet

by peepeepoopooman October 19, 2019

Hitting Different

Unforeseen and unusual psychoactive effects occuring from drug consumption.

*After smoking a blunt*
Stoner 1: "Alright bro, you ready to head out?"
Stoner 2: "Give me like five minutes bro... this weed is hitting different tonight."

by peepeepoopooman April 19, 2019

45👍 17👎

Hot Potato

When you pass around the bong quickly so the weed stays lit. This eliminates the need to keep relighting the bowl, as well as preventing anyone in the rotation from hogging it. Playing hot potato leads to a fast pace and intense smoke sesh which will get everyone very high, especially if you try to finish the bowl in record time.

*After packing the bowl*
Guy 1: "Aye bro, you tryna play some hot potato with this one?"

Guy 2, already stoned: "Yes."

by peepeepoopooman February 8, 2020

smoke suit

An outfit that you change into right before smoking marijuana, and then you change out of it after. Thus avoiding smelling like weed.

Guy 1: "Yo man you wanna blaze up?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, but first lemme change into my smoke suit real quick, I don't wanna smell too loud."

by peepeepoopooman September 16, 2017

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Nic'd Up

A phrase said after consuming a high dose of nicotine, usually by vaping, causing one to feel a strong buzz. This can lead to the user feeling sick, possibly from nicotine poisoning. However, in most cases a quick rest and some water will cure any ill feelings.

Guy: "Alright bro you ready to head out?"
Bro: "Let me lay down for about 5 minutes, I just took a few fat hits off the Juul and now I'm nic'd up."

by peepeepoopooman April 3, 2019

8👍 1👎