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Boston Oreo

When 2 Black Boston Natives have a 3 threesome with a Boston White Guy

David Ortiz and Xander Bogarts are looking hot tonight, I want to be in the middle of that Boston Oreo

by pfi March 22, 2016

Twitter Parents

Parents that tell you everything their doing in the house just to keep you updated

"Son I'm gonna take a shower"

"Dude you have twitter parents"

by pfi February 17, 2015

Brando Surprise

When the ghost of Marlon Brando haunts you at your local Wal-Mart by shoving hot dogs down your pants.

"I was accused of shoplifting hot dogs at Wal-Mart today but it was really a Brando Surprise!

by pfi March 22, 2016

Ass Protector

When someone is always standing behind a girl with a nice ass. It could be a friend, boyfriend, parent, teacher, exc.

Krista has a nice ass but Justin has become her ass protector.

by pfi September 10, 2016

Creepy Pacino

When a dude hides inside a woman's bathroom and yells "HOO HAHH"

"A Creepy Pacino yelled "Hoo Hahh" while I was crapping"

by pfi March 22, 2016

Soop Dog

The Alphabet Soop that teaches ghetto kids how to spell.

"Dude who taught you how to Spell?"


by pfi March 22, 2016


A word that will cause the next Civil War over how it's pronounced.

Tony: It's Gif

Steve: No it's Jif


by pfi March 22, 2016

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