Source Code

revolving bomb

Farting while passing through a revolving door.

I had to fart while passing through the lobby and waited until i passed through the revolving door to drop a revolving bomb.

by phon3guy November 2, 2022

Christmas party takedown

A girl/guy at your office that will be the target for affection for a drunken rondevous after the Christmas party

Steve: you see that , I think she works on 9.
John: that looks like a Christmas Party takedown right there.

by phon3guy September 28, 2015

Check In

To reflect on your status or position, and ensure that your attitude is aligned.

Encore @ The Wynn European Pool
Maida: oh my gawd do you see that old lady in the pool flashing her boobs
Debbie: I don't care how much she paid for those titties, no one needs to see that.
Maida: She needs to check in and put those things away.

by phon3guy September 5, 2014

22👍 11👎

Jersey right

Making three left turns in order to go right.

To make a Jersey right, You make a left, another left, and another left and your right there. (Which is impossible in New Jersey because you cant' turn left)

by phon3guy October 4, 2022