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Millionaire Dropout

Someone with a dropout degree that became a millionaire.

The most famous millionaire dropouts with no degree are Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Josh King Madrid (JetSetFly), Steve Jobs and Travis Kalanick

by piaheza September 30, 2022


Marketing straight to the subconscious mind using emotions, suggestion and brain science. Neuromarketing is essentially legal and ethical mind control.

Jake: Yo Cobra, trust me bro theres only 1 type of marketing that works better than sales
Paul: Are u gunna tell him about NLP bro?
Jake: Nah bro this makes NLP guys look like amateurs
Cobra: What is it? Controversy? Cuz if so I'm already using that shit for my hustlers university

Jake: Nah it's neuromarketing
Paul: Ohhh neuromarketing?! I heard you can make ppl do things you want and they will think it was their idea!
Cobra: Damn, for real king? Neuromarketing is Top G. where can I learn?
Jake: Hit up my boy jetset madrid , he is the king of that shit dawg

Random guy eavesdropping: I wonder if I can use neuromarketing to teach my girl to listen to me

by piaheza August 1, 2022


A list of 33 success patterns into used to consistently create real tangible positive results and effortlessly overcome all challenges, create real-lasting generational wealth and improve your overall quality of life. These 33 jetset life hacks can be learned quickly as an automatic consequence of raising one's level of consciousness which is merely simply guaranteed by just becoming aware of the list. The list was created by Josh King Madrid aka JetSetFly, who has devoted the five years of his life to learning, practicing, and teaching others about the success patterns that millionaires, professional athletes, celebrities, and geniuses all share.

TImmy: My life sucks man, I wish there was a way to use cheat-codes in real life to become successful.
TheBlondeJon: There is. The cheat codes are known as JETSET LIFE HACKS. Stop being a dummy and read it.

by piaheza September 30, 2022

Dropout Degree

A college dropout without a degree, yet is typically more intelligent, wise and wealthier than their college graduated peers. The term became popular after millionaire dropout JetSetFly launched The Dropout Degree Show and it became a top 10 podcast on iTunes.

Jon: I don't need college to get a job. Why am I even here?
JoeySendz: yeah bro, screw this lets get our dropout degree and become millionaire dropouts.
Jon: Alright bet, lets do it... im tryna leave the jetset life anyways.
JoeySendz: lets go baby its the jet set way

by piaheza September 30, 2022

Floribama Shore

Everyone's favorite reality series set in the Florida Panhandle. The group is known for drama, wild parties, trips and has even partied with JetSetFly in Cabo San Lucas in Season 2.

Jamie: Yoooo what's that MTV show Josh King Madrid appeared in again?
Jules: Floribama shore, that shit got cancelled sis. He made it in a couple episodes though. RIP Floribama Shore

by piaheza September 30, 2022

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Jet Set Way

The Jet Set Way is the only way. People who live this way are straight alpha/sigma males and get every girl they want, own any car they want, wear whatever brand clothes they want, get VIP access everywhere and will spend more time on planes and in foreign countries than they do their home. The Jet Set Way was coined by JetSetFly himself.

A real comment on joshua madrid's Dropout Degree podcast:

Starving Hustler on 08/02/2018: I have been following Josh King Madrid for awhile now, ever since he just purchased his first BMW to now him getting his Bentley. I paid $300 for a live call with him and his team back in 2017. The Jet Set Way changed my life. I launched my own business after that followed their guidance step by step and I was making an extra $5000 each month still working my 9-5 job. #JetSetWay

by piaheza August 1, 2022

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The Art Of Frame Control

The nature of reality is inherently ambiguous and is open to various interpretations. Gaining a greater degree of control over one's internal and external psychology is the most important factor in increasing one's level of success in all aspects of life. The collective congruency between your internal self and your external results is a Frame. Whoever is more confident in their interpretation will be able to control everyone's interpretations around them, this is known as The Art of Frame Control. Whatever man knows frame control will be able to gain the upper hand in any social situation, whether they are trying to land a big deal, convince their spouse to get on board with a decision, or pick up a hot date.

Josh King Madrid, better known as JetSet or JetSetFly wrote a book called The Art Of Frame Control after writing JETSET Life Hacks.

Billy: I can't find anyone who wants to buy my products and girls never pay me any attention. I been working on my mindset and it's not working. I've tried everything... Josh King Madrid teach me the jet set way so I can level up & live the jetset life too.

JetSetFly: Stop trying so hard and just use The Art Of Frame Control and it will happen automatically and effortlessly.

Dr David Hawkins: That is a fact at 499 LOC, Oh Lord. **Calibrates the LOC of josh king madrid's statement with muscle testing**

2 weeks later:
Billy: I'm now a multi-millionaire with 4 hot girlfriends, thanks for teaching me the art of frame control. The Jet Set Way truly is the only way.
JetSetFly: Makes a lot of sense.

by piaheza September 30, 2022

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