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(nap' jurk) n. The sudden convulsion of the body just as one is about to doze off.

Sometimes at the moment I reach deep sleep I have this napjerk of me walking down a street and suddenly I trip over a crack in the sidewalk.

by piyox420andreev August 22, 2010

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(bus' blen dur) n. The device at the front of the bus that tosses your fare around for a while, then swallows it.

I almost lost my balance putting my money into the busblender when the driver stepped on the gas.

by piyox420andreev August 19, 2010

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cling kong

used as an adjective to describe a person that is way too clingy.

joan: tonight is girls night out and well be going out to dinner.

jon: Do you think I can come with you guys?

joan: Jon don't be such a cling kong, I just told you its girls night out.

by piyox420andreev July 24, 2010

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(bee' plus stam peed?) n. The attempt by half the classroom to claim the paper with no name on it.

There was such a b+stampede at the exact moment mr.harper asked the class who's paper it was.

by piyox420andreev August 18, 2010

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(pree muh dayr' chi) n. The act of saying goodbye to someone, then running into him/her again moments later (usually accompanied by a lame quip such as "you following me?")

Joe: premaderci... long time no see!

Jan: HAHAHA... nice one.

by piyox420andreev August 19, 2010

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david andreev

A pure bred bulgarian human capable of future prophecy and warnings of natural disasters.

Where in the hell is david andreev when you need him?

by piyox420andreev July 23, 2010

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(el uh vur' tig oh) n. The sensation one experiences when an elevator stops or takes off too suddenly.

One gets the feeling of elevertigo the moment an elevator starts to go up or down, and when it comes to a stop.

by piyox420andreev August 19, 2010

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