Source Code

Chocolate Cake

Any Weapon In Any Version Of Halo Which Is A Heavy Weapon Or Will Deliver A One Hit Knockout If Used Correctly. Upon Sighting A Weapon Of This Nature, The Player Announces (Or If Player Doesn't Want To Warn The Other Players, The Player Must At Least Think The Words. This Works Best With XBox Live, System Link, Or Internet Play Especially When Someone Else Is Around) "Why Hello Chocolate Cake." This Can Work Also For Power Ups And Vehicles But Definitely Works Best With Weapons.

"Dude, Dave Just Got Chocolate Cake! We Better Get The Hell Out Of His Way."

by pizzaazzip May 3, 2009

9👍 28👎


The feeling after 10 minutes of eating lots of food where you didn't feel too full but 10 Minutes later, you do.

Comes from the word Thermostat.

Are You Hungry?

Nahh, my appastat just kicked in

by pizzaazzip January 15, 2009

2👍 1👎