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Anas is a very cute guy with nice handsome cheek bones and hes fat

Anas put away the vacuum

by poopystinkyanas June 4, 2020


Lana was feeling lonely, so she opened "The hub" then she got wet, she started rubbing and a puddle of cum is now in her bed

I just masturbated

by poopystinkyanas May 20, 2022

middle school drama

This sentence summarizes why some teenage Starbucks girls go to school some days.

Rose: Ugh, Did you hear about brad... He's dating Emily now.
Evallyse: Ya ikr
Ryan: Can you guys stop with this middle school drama now? I'm just trying to learn.

by poopystinkyanas June 17, 2022

Arbys tv

The arbys tv on tiktok @h1t1

I got sold a tv that powers on and shows an arbys menu for $25

Definition arbys tv from tiktok

by poopystinkyanas October 26, 2020

bruh your stupid

This means the person is very stupid
usually only told by friends/family

Bruh your stupid , how do you end up putting a fork in the microwave!

by poopystinkyanas May 16, 2022

4👍 6👎