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rush america

just rush b but rush the US

Every comrade wants to rush america.

by prussland January 16, 2018


the thing that came before cassette tapes about as old as your grandparents

imagine the wheel thing on 50s computers

When my grandma was a kid she told us about reel-to-reel recording.

by prussland November 19, 2017

1👍 1👎

micro cassette

a cassette tape but smaller

I doubt people use micro cassettes anymore.

by prussland November 19, 2017


Just about the worst thing in existence sense it defines anything that is sugarcoated sweet.

Person 1: Why the fuck are you showing me things that don't offend people?
Person 2: What? There is nothing wrong with being wholesome once in a while.

by prussland May 23, 2019

4👍 10👎

Anti African Association

a group that is clearly against africans

Oi mate have you heard of this great new group called the Anti African Association.

by prussland March 5, 2019


a smaller version of a VHS. it required a adapter to play on a VHS player

I doubt many of you used or herd of VHS-c.

by prussland November 19, 2017

6👍 2👎