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the Robot shiver

During sex the man or woman would stick their phone up their ass or pussy and the other person would call the phone wich would make the phone vibrate and therefore the person would shiver.

she had me fucked up when she made me do the robot shiver.

by pseodnym June 21, 2018


A stuck up bitch, who says nigga even tho shes white. Shes tall and will ask you for favors and give you nothing in return. shes also pretty smart but doesnt try hard in high school.

sola once laughed about rape.

by pseodnym June 21, 2018

5👍 8👎


A kid who likes to pull girls but usually fails. he likes money, and is smart. jair always has nice clothes and cash. hhe loves to sell shit. Hes a god on playstation. trash a 2k

damn jairs always selling shit.

by pseodnym June 21, 2018

43👍 16👎

fake drug dealer

A guys who sells stuff they find in their medicine cabinents and sells it to edgy 12 year olds. Sells advil and says its xanax, sells nyquil sprite and says its lean.

im going to become a fake drug dealer to make some cash

by pseodnym June 21, 2018

fishy peanut butter

in sex when the man sticks his dick in penut butter then fucks the woman. then he eats her out with the penut butter still in her pussy

Her fishy peanut butter was delicous last night.

by pseodnym June 21, 2018

lemon goodness

when a guy fills a condom with his ppe and when it frezzes a girl deepthroats it. the he sticks the sundae into her ass and pussy. this will make her lips start to shrink which is when he fucks her.

she was shivering last night when I gave her that lemon goodness

by pseodnym June 21, 2018