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dykes vs dicks, a classic event held every year following the bum sex gala, in which a team of no more than 11 lesbians fight a team of no more than 11 post-op transexuals in an attempt to be the first group to fellate the other

Ewan: are you going to the DVD this year
Dan: Yes I love watching dirty lesbians roll around in the mud

by pussymuncher04 December 9, 2012

20👍 9👎

anal day

situated on January 12th every other leap year anal day is a day where people can gather in groups of no more than 7 but no less than four to discuss and practice the art of anal sex.

Dan: is anal day coming up soon
Ewan: yes, I love anal sex

by pussymuncher04 February 2, 2013

21👍 11👎