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to be used in situations of extreme sarcasm, apathy, or general indifference. can also be used to express boredom or as a substitute for "whatever", "true" or "true story", "cool", "nice", or "meh".

Extreme sarcasm: "i guess that kid that killed himself really wanted to live shrug"

Extreme apathy: "if you dont want to live anymore why dont you just get hit by a bus shrug"

General indifference: "woke up hungover today shrug"

by pxsalmers April 9, 2011

89👍 75👎


1) a word used to describe anything and everything because, lets face it, nothing anybody does is really new. spans from something as simple as color schemes to something as complex as philosophy and politics.

2) a lifestyle for practically everyone. if you have ever been labeled as a part of any stereotype, even if its a good one, chances are you're pretty fucking generic.

Author's Note: generic does not mean something is good or bad. obviously generic house parties are gonna be fucking awesome if they're not busted by cops or hosted by asement dwelling Star Trek fanatics. it is just a realization that its something you can't escape from. if this definition of generic drives you to insanity and you feel the only option out is suicide, realize that any possible way you can think of killing yourself is also generic. Death by autoerotic asphyxiation? See David Carradine. (too soon?) You just look like a generic douchebag going out that way. Not to mention no one wants to see a dead guy's dick. You might as well live in this generic world of ours.

see also: meta, stereotypical, typical, played out, unoriginal, not clever

1) "Oh look, a generic house party with a generic population of underage kids drinking generic alcoholic beverages. There's the generic asshole getting the generic slut, and there's the generic two beer queer. There are the generic stoners having generic stoner conversation about hipster music and philosophy. Generic phone call made to the cops by generic annoyed neighbors ruined the party. What a generic night."

2) "I'm a bro, so I'm going to do what is expected generically of all bros: play lax, drink natty ice, get bitches to make me sandwiches, and play some call of duty. What a generic lifestyle I live for my generic stereotype."

by pxsalmers May 15, 2011

91👍 37👎