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Those flimsy-wrist texters who carelessly toss ellipses into conversations try to make their dull and unemotional response sound dramatic and usually text only out of habit. The Ellipses texter typically does not give two frigid shits about how they sound.

The use of Ellipses comes in handy mid-text when the texter-backer fails to think up a good response, hesitates and generally forgets what the fuck he was going to say.

Text from friend: "Man, I just got dishonorably discharged from ROTC for failing that drug test."

Assfactory: "Bro......what?....like.....dude......what are you.................................................................................................what?"
(the Ellipses kid said, as he browsed the 2 for a dollar movies at Family Video that everyone has seen so many times that once and a while they rent again just to remember why they are 2 for a dollar)

by pynch-on January 18, 2012

28👍 13👎