Source Code


Going to

I am gonna do that right now.
Translation = yeah, I'll be doing that just as soon as you drop 40 pounds!

by qqtpie August 2, 2003

529👍 274👎

refrigerator rights

Refrigerator rights in the relationship comes about three steps before Thermostat rights. Once you get thermostat rights, you might as well pick out a drawer to put your jammies in!

Brad finally said that I don't need to ask, just help myself whenever I get hungry. It's nice to have Refrigerator rights. His house gets so cold at night, I can't wait until I am allowed to bump up the heat without asking or shivering at him until he gets the hint.

by qqtpie February 15, 2006

22👍 20👎


Hokay is short for O.K. or okay. means a'ight, but less sarcastic. Sometimes it is is expressed with a defeated sigh.

She says:"I need you to wear your nice shirt tonight"
He says: "Hokay" sigh.....

by qqtpie August 2, 2003

20👍 33👎

Hip to the jive

I understand what you are communicating. You can't fool me.
The wording may be slightly off because alta vista was having some translation problems the day I tried.
Also see hip and jive

I am reeeeeeal old and I still want you too think I am cool. So when I hear you using slang terms, that I have no idea whatsoever the meaning of, I will say, "I'm hip to the jive baby".

by qqtpie September 8, 2005

29👍 20👎