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Fat Nap

Similar to a cat nap, but induced by the consumption of food. Most common occurrence is after a Thanksgiving dinner.

Man, after all that turkey, I'm stuffed. I'll just unbutton my pants and take a little fat nap.

by randymcgr February 11, 2011

33👍 16👎

fat cramps

A pain located in one of the lower quadrants of the abdominal area or kidneys resulting from an overweight person performing cardio or abdominal exercises, due to a lack of physical strength, stamina, and overall well-being.

I decided that I should start running regularly, but every time I run for more than two minutes, I get fat cramps.

Justin did like 12 sit ups before he couldn't do any more. His fat ass got fat cramps

by randymcgr March 6, 2011

23👍 5👎


To have a festival, celebrate, and/or party with great zeal and to an almost superfluous extent.

The word combines both festival and celebrate in order to describe a formerly unknown level of revelry. Instead of the normal levels of celebration, partying and festivities, this transcends popular convention to ascertain a deity-like level of merriment.

An occasion in which this occurs is known as a festivation.

1. Dude, my bro Josh is coming back from being in Afghanistan for, like, a year. We're throwing a huge festivation for him.

2. Yo, it's been a shitty week. I'm gonna hit the clubs and festivate so hard in there, I'll get kicked off the strip for life!

by randymcgr April 7, 2011

7👍 1👎