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Unintelligible garble from a mentally or emotionally unstable being. It is almost impossible to translate their inane rantings from any form or language or common sense. Clearly the person is out of their safe space.

The rantings of the woman as she delivered freakspew to anyone in her vicinity were obviously that of a programmed retard, someone who thinks the world should be as she see's it or a lunatic out of medication

by ratsbackside February 17, 2021

Cash Apology

When your "parents" have deceived you and then realise that you will find out eventually, they set about buying you EVERYTHING so you wont hate them for what they've done from the age of 14. So you get a brand new motor cross bike, then a brand new helmet, and motorcross boots and gloves and goggles, and trips everywhere so you can ride. Then they buy you more motorbikes and more helmets and they make you the "Golden Child" so you refuse to hear the truth and hate them.

SInce Muzza's dad was told that junior didn't think he was his real dad, his parents have gone nuts and bought him everything he ever wanted. His fake grand parents are in on it too. They changed his birth certificate so he wouldn't find out. That's what you call a Cash Apology - and then some.

by ratsbackside December 9, 2020

Pretend Murray

When you use a surname that you know isn't yours. You are given the name via a fake birth certificate to hide history, and the fact your "dad" isn't "your dad", but you go along with it to stay in good with your "chequebook dad"

Muzza is such a Pretend Murray he had it tattoo'd down his leg, and gave the name to his son who is now also a Pretend Murray. Spoon fed family lies are awful tastier than the truth huh?

by ratsbackside May 17, 2023


Abbreviation for rim job - usually for the act but also as a derogatory tag for a fuckwit

Some smartarse millennial called me Karen for displaying common sense (something way above his pay grade)- so I called him RJ coz he is another level above dropkick. Seemed perfectly suited to this arse muncher.

by ratsbackside January 19, 2021

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British situation comedy using pommy stereotypes and pasty pommy caricatures. Lame ass toilet comedy with dopey accents like Hyacinth Bucket, Morcombe and Unwise, Dick Enema.......... Carry on snowflake............

Q: What's on TV tonight?

A: Fuck all as usual - just every pomcom ever made on every fucking channel. Utter utter utter utter utter trash

by ratsbackside September 27, 2023

swamp gas

An idiom used mainly by politicians (and all other forms of manipulators) to cover something up from the masses / sheeple so they dont panic and shit themselves, and the elected officials can continue to spin their manipulation via the main stream media.

The mass UFO sightings over Arizona were merely swamp gas, so the thousands of people who filmed, photographed and witnessed these events first hand have no idea what they were until we told them it was only swamp gas - much like the experimental covid toxic clotshots that everybody lined up and volunteered for at blind total risk for their health (and their children), but the swamp gas is that they are safe, effective and will stop you from dying. Swamp gas has been around as long as politicians have been around.

by ratsbackside January 16, 2023

Shoplift the Pooty

When a man, who is punching above his weight, offers to be the father of the child of an impregnated girl just so he can sleep with her.

Geez, that Bradford will do anything to get into Shirley's pants. He's now the father of the bun in the oven! He'll make a great chequebook dad. He did shoplift the pooty.

by ratsbackside February 10, 2017

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