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Discord Mods

Discord Mods likes eGirls. Thats it really.

eGirl: awwww these Discord Mods are so cute
Discord Mods: send pics

by realChaiz February 17, 2021

2👍 8👎


School is a place where kids learn things. Its really boring. I actually wrote this new word post on school. Ok school sucks lol.

School. sucks

by realChaiz November 3, 2020

Ok I guess

It basically means that you're OK with what someone asks you, but you don't really want to do the action. It can also be used as in showing off something. You can also say "okig" which a friend of mine ALWAYS says. :)

Me: hey look i got a new game!
Friend: Ok I guess

by realChaiz May 20, 2021

5👍 6👎


Something someone says if they are happy, mad, or excited for something they know YOU don't have.

I've got the new Fortnite battlepass, 'Duh'!

by realChaiz February 16, 2021